update #3 - building report

tell us what are you doing in your building process

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what is your name?
enter your application email.
we'll send all updates here regarding your application.
for example: GenX; build & launch your idea in generative AI over 10 days.
explain what you have done so far to build your MVP, technically and product wise. tell us about your coding, your team work, etc. what features have you built so far in your product? what features are remaining? if you've not done anything yet, easy! you still have time. don't worry and just tell us you've not done anything. بهمون بگید که ساختنون چطور پیش رفته تا الان. سرعتتون و کار تیمی‌تون چطور بوده. چه فیچرهایی توی محصولتون زدید و چیا مونده. هر توضیحی که نیاز میبینید در مورد وضعیت ساختن محصولتون اینجا می‌تونید بهمون بگید. اگه هم هنوز شروع به کار نکردی، کاملا اوکیه و هنوز فرصت داری. همین رو بنویس که کاری نکردی.
Are you struggling with anything? Let us know and we'll do everything we can to help.
are you building solo or with a team?